Popular Types of Healthcare Apps

11 Popular Types of Healthcare Apps To Benefit Your Business

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Nearly every industry in the world has been influenced by the technology revolution, which has created new business prospects for those looking to create custom mobile app solutions for their unique demands. And in this regard, the healthcare industry is not an exception.

The proliferation of smartphone health and fitness app usage was also significantly aided by the coronavirus outbreak. 2020 witnessed a sharp rise in the downloads of health and fitness apps. This has given an advantage to the industry, and mHealth apps are now in demand more than ever.

If you are a medical startup owner or entrepreneur searching for different kinds of healthcare apps, this write-up is for you! We’ve covered types of apps healthcare experts to pick the best one for your business and take it to new heights.

Types of Healthcare Apps

Numerous healthcare apps are available, giving users the ability to monitor, assess, and take action on various health concerns. Let’s know about the top 11 applications.

1. Doctor On-demand Apps

One of the most popular health apps is called “Doctor on-demand,” which enables physicians to treat patients by making live video chats. Because they can now visit and treat patients from anywhere in the world, doctors have more scheduling flexibility.

This app is widely used among young professionals whose schedules are erratic or involve frequent travel because of the level of convenience it offers. Patients can also rest easy knowing that medical professionals are available to assist them with complicated medical problems thanks to these apps.

2. Mental Health Services Apps

Apps are being used by people to combat complicated issues, including drug addiction, anxiety, and mental health issues. These cutting-edge applications can be customized to address unique health issues that each patient has.

Patients can locate and make connections with the necessary assistance, such as counseling, new medication clinical trials, and even psychiatrists, by using mental health services applications. For people who want high-quality care but don’t want to get assistance in person, this kind of application is the best companion.

3. Medication Tracking Apps

By keeping track of meal timings, medication intervals, dosages, and medication reminders, these apps are intended to support patients in following their prescribed medication schedules. When patients are given the wrong medication, these applications come in as helpful.

These tracking health apps can check blood pressure and can help you keep a record of details such as prescriber, dosages, and medicine names. You can reach out to a leading company like Codment to get the best mobile app development services in Texas.

4. Dieting Apps

A significant amount of the populace is attempting to maintain a healthy lifestyle or reduce weight. Because of this, a lot of medical professionals concentrate on creating diet apps that will assist their clients in maintaining healthy eating and activity schedules.

Patients can use diet apps to keep track of their food intake, exercise routine, and long-term health objectives. However, consumers must first understand how healthcare apps and a healthy diet are related.

5. Medical Training Apps

Doctors also use apps to instruct aspiring medical professionals. Physicians may instruct the upcoming generation of healthcare practitioners with interactive modules covering specialized topics like anatomy and clinical practice by creating training applications.

One method physicians can give back to the community is through this. They make sure that the next generation of doctors receives their knowledge. You can custom health apps for different medical trainings.

6. Pharmacy Delivery Apps

Using pharmacy delivery apps is another method that doctors use apps to lower the cost of healthcare. With the use of this kind of app, prescription drugs can be delivered directly to patients’ front doors in place of them needing to visit their doctor physically. This lowers needless expenses that would result from taking time off work and offers people greater freedom to fill their medications. This is basically a patient healthcare app to facilitate them efficiently.

7. Chronic Disease Management Apps

Mobile technology support is beneficial for healthcare providers who work with patients who have chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, cancer, anxiety, depression, HIV, multiple sclerosis, MS, Crohn’s disease, lymphoma, myeloma, or leukemia.

Doctors can track and communicate their patients’ health data in a convenient format with them by using applications for managing chronic diseases. This enables individuals to stay in control of their health and have direct communication with their physicians.

8. Women Healthcare App

These mHealth apps are also used by doctors to treat expectant mothers and future pregnant ladies. With the help of these applications, patients can monitor their fitness, dietary plans, and the intervals between doctor visits, which helps to make prenatal care more convenient. Knowing that these applications provide them with the necessary information to have a healthy baby, expectant mothers can utilize them with confidence.

9. Medical Record Apps

These are the healthcare apps for patients to fill out a form with their data digitally when they first visit the doctor.

Physicians can use medical record applications in place of this antiquated paper approach, letting patients submit paperwork using cell phones from the comfort of their own homes. This helps people have more control over their health information and expedites the appointment process.

10. Diagnosis Assistant App

These apps typically give users access to their personal health records, which include the ability to review electronic charts, digital imaging (X-rays), details and results of lab tests, and information on potential symptoms.

Creating a telemedicine application allows for the virtual completion of the clinical diagnostic as well. This type has risen in the healthcare app industry during the pandemic.

11. Remote Patient Monitoring App

Physicians and patients can converse remotely with the use of remote patient monitoring (RPM) apps. Using these apps, patients can locate local doctors, see when they’re available, and then give them a call or video call them to make an appointment. This type of famous healthcare software allows users to connect without any hassle.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Healthcare App?

The development cost of any healthcare app differs based on its type, complexity, and features. The number of hours required for the design and development phase are also the primary factors that influence the cost of building a healthcare app.

To learn about healthcare app development costs, you can reach out to our experts at any time—we provide exceptional digital solutions.


Having gained an understanding of the most often used types of health applications, you can now design one that best meets the requirements of your patients. However, making a personalized health app from scratch can be difficult and time-consuming. To get this task done for you, you must seek out a healthcare app development specialist like Codment.

Codment is a renowned mobile app development company that can help you develop an amazing healthcare app. With the help of our team, you may start developing interesting apps that benefit doctors and patients. Get in touch with us for more details on how we collaborate with physicians to create mobile apps that improve patient care.