Golang vs. Java

Golang vs. Java: Choosing the Right One in 2024

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If you’re trying to decide between Golang and Java for your backend work, you’re not alone. These two big players in programming are always competing for attention. Both are renowned for their speed and efficiency, so the question arises: Is Golang truly superior to Java? Is learning Golang a more intimidating task compared to Java? And perhaps most importantly, could Golang potentially take over Java in the future?

Java has been the backbone of backend development for ages, with its rock-solid reputation and widespread use. But then there’s Golang, a newer contender that is rapidly gaining popularity among developers worldwide. The competition between these two languages extends beyond functionality in server-side web applications.

So, in this blog, we’ll compare Golang vs. Java to figure out which one might be right for you. Let’s dive in!

What Is Golang?


Golang (or Go), introduced in 2011, is an open-source programming language developed by Google. Much like Java, Golang is statically typed, supports multiple programming paradigms, and is compiled for various purposes.

Its syntax bears a resemblance to ‘C,’ initially being compiled in C but later rewritten in Golang, enabling it to be self-hosted. Designed for modern multicore processors, Golang excels in concurrent programming, allowing it to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. Additionally, it incorporates deferred garbage collection, ensuring efficient memory management for swift program execution.

Selecting the perfect tech stack comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages. Let’s have a look at them:

Advantages of Golang

  1. Speed: Golang’s direct compilation into machine code speeds up development, eliminating the need for interpreters. With faster execution times than Java, Golang is preferred by developers aiming for efficient backend development.
  2. Ease of Learning: Golang’s user-friendly nature makes it accessible, especially for developers familiar with C or Java. Though syntax may vary, the underlying principles remain consistent, facilitating a smooth learning curve.
  3. Concurrency: Golang’s support for concurrent programming, epitomized by lightweight Goroutines, enables efficient multitasking without the blocking nature of Java threads. This combination of asynchronous JavaScript methods and multithreading Java threads enhances scalability.
  4. Robust Tooling: Despite being newer, Golang boasts a comprehensive set of development tools, including IDEs like Visual Studio Code. Accessible via GitHub repositories, these tools streamline the coding process, ensuring a seamless development experience.
  5. Growing Talent Pool: Golang’s rising popularity is attracting developers seeking to capitalize on its benefits. By incorporating Golang into your software stack, you tap into a growing pool of skilled professionals, enhancing your chances of recruiting top-tier talent.

Disadvantages of Golang

  1. Code Length: Golang’s concise nature may lead to longer code compared to languages like Python, potentially impacting development timelines, particularly for teams racing against deadlines.
  2. Maturity: Despite a decade since its inception, Golang remains relatively young, resulting in a narrower range of libraries, especially for cross-platform interactions. Lack of GUI libraries may hinder integration with other platforms.
  3. Generic Functions: Golang’s lack of support for generic functions necessitates duplicative code for similar functionalities with different input types, diminishing code reuse and development efficiency.
  4. Community Size: The Golang community, while growing, is smaller compared to other languages, potentially limiting collaboration and project availability.
  5. Limited Tutorials: With fewer tutorials and documentation resources available due to the smaller community size, developers may face challenges in accessing comprehensive learning materials for Golang.

What Is Java?


Java emerged in 1995 from Sun Microsystems as a statically typed, general-purpose language. Although it was once the go-to choice for server-side applications, its dominance has waned over time. Nevertheless, Java remains extensively utilized across a spectrum of applications worldwide, from legacy server software to cutting-edge data science and machine learning projects.

Renowned for its vast library of pre-built modules and widespread developer adoption, Java offers a user-friendly coding experience. Its versatility shines through as it can run on any processor, similar to a compiled language where bytecode is generated by the virtual machine for execution.

Let’s have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of Java:

Advantages of Java

  1. Simplicity: Java’s straightforward syntax makes it easy for Java developers to grasp, learn, and maintain. It is less complex than languages like C++ and C, omitting intricate features such as explicit pointers and storage classes.
  2. Object-Oriented: Java’s object-oriented nature enhances code flexibility and reusability, allowing objects to be easily reused across different programs. This approach enhances security by bundling data and functions into cohesive units that are inaccessible to external sources. Additionally, breaking down larger modules into smaller units improves code comprehension.
  3. Safety: Java mitigates security risks by eliminating explicit pointers, which could otherwise lead to unauthorized memory access. Each application is equipped with a Java Security Manager, enabling the definition of access rules for classes, further bolstering security.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness and Maintainability: Java programs entail minimal maintenance and are platform-independent, alleviating the need for specific hardware dependencies. This versatility significantly reduces maintenance costs while ensuring ease of execution on any machine.
  5. Platform Independence: Java’s platform independence is a significant advantage, enabling execution on any computer irrespective of the operating system. This is achieved through compiled code (byte code) execution on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), ensuring compatibility across diverse computing environments.

Disadvantages of Java

  1. Performance Limitations: Java’s memory-intensive nature and reliance on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) result in slower program execution compared to languages like C or C++. The JVM’s abstraction layer and garbage collector contribute to performance overhead.
  2. Lackluster GUI: Despite the availability of GUI builders and frameworks like Swing, SWT, JavaFX, and JSF, Java’s graphical user interfaces (GUIs) often lack sophistication and consistency, particularly for complex UI designs.
  3. Absence of Backup Functionality: Java requires a primary focus on data storage and overlooks backup functionalities, leaving users to rely on external backup solutions.
  4. Memory Consumption: Java consumes a significant amount of memory compared to languages like C++ and C, impacting system efficiency during garbage collection.
  5. Code Verbosity: Java code tends to be verbose, characterized by lengthy and complex phrases that may diminish readability and comprehension. While Java aims for manageability, its verbosity can hinder code clarity and maintenance efforts.

Golang vs. Java: A Detailed Comparison

Golang and Java are both high-performing languages, but which one wins the battle? Here is the Golang vs. Java comparison based on various parameters to help you select one in order to stay up to date with software development trends.  

1. Golang vs. Java: Popularity

Golang was developed as an alternative to Java but has garnered a lower adoption rate. However, new technologies like hands-on coding are emerging with a focus on Golang for server-side applications. Java, on the other hand, has experienced significant growth, particularly in communities that encourage feedback and participation from developers. While Golang is still in active development, its community support and open-source libraries require interaction and receptiveness to recommendations.

2. Golang vs. Java: Features

Golang is renowned for its resource-efficient design, offering multi-platform and cross-compilable capabilities to overcome performance limitations in other languages. Java, with over 27 years of existence, stands as an object-oriented, general-purpose language that enjoys widespread usage across various platforms. Its popularity has surged, especially for Android app development and web applications, owing to its flexibility in code creation.

3. Golang vs. Java: Performance

Coming to Go vs. Java performance – Golang runs on Google’s Go Platform and exhibits superior performance compared to Java due to its lightweight nature, which consumes fewer resources and memory. Java, one of the most utilized languages globally, finds applications across diverse sectors such as automotive, aerospace, technology, and finance. While Golang facilitates faster development and easier deployment, comparing their performance in specific setups proves more insightful than assessing each language’s inherent capabilities.

4. Golang vs. Java: Community

Golang boasts a larger community with extensive developer engagement across forums and social media platforms. In contrast, Java maintains a more traditional community structure. Both languages are experiencing rapid growth, with Google spearheading Golang’s development as an open-source language. While Golang may have started with limitations in performance and capabilities, its simplicity and absence of garbage collection pauses make it attractive, particularly for startups aiming for rapid development.

5. Golang vs. Java: Usage

Golang’s popularity is on the rise thanks to its scalability for large projects and support for advanced data structures like slices, enhancing code reusability. Leveraging its extensive library of functions, Java allows developers to achieve more with less code, making it a preferred choice for specific applications.

6. Golang vs. Java: Cross-Platform Development

When it comes to cross-platform development, both Golang and Java offer distinct advantages and drawbacks. Data scientists often find themselves debating which language suits their project best, a decision heavily influenced by project requirements.

While Golang possesses strengths, it cannot always seamlessly replace Java. Transitioning between languages may pose challenges, making it practical for newcomers to first acquaint themselves with Golang before delving into Java.

7. Golang vs. Java: Ease of Coding

Golang has garnered popularity for its user-friendly nature, making it an attractive option for developers across various domains, including web development and mobile apps. Offering efficient libraries and tooling, Golang boasts faster compilation times and simplified testing, maintenance, and debugging processes compared to Java.

As technology continues to evolve, so do the demands placed on developers. What was considered crucial a few years ago may now be obsolete, emphasizing the need for ongoing adaptation and skill development.

Go vs. Java: Which One Wins?

Choosing one between Golang or Java can be a tricky choice as there is no one-size-fits-all solution. If you’re working on small web projects, startups, or applications that require simplicity and speed, opting for Golang can be the ideal choice. On the flip side, Java can be your go-to if you’re working for large enterprise applications or have an existing Java codebase.

Ultimately, each language has its unique features that make it superior to others. The one you choose should depend on your needs and align with your developer’s skills. Besides, if you’re confused between C# and Java, here’s your guide to choosing the best one.  

Wrapping Up!

Java and Golang are both high-functioning and popular languages today, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. However, there are many differences between them. The type of website or application you’re developing will determine whether a particular language is appropriate for professional use. As a custom web development company, we can help you create one based on your needs. Talk to our experts to discuss more.